Well, I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve failed miserably at writing one blog post a month this year!  My last one was February….this is an epic FAIL!  In my defence, I have been a little busy, and I do struggle a bit with writing a blog; I mean, who wants to read what I’ve been up to?! 

Apparently some of you do so here goes.

I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting lately and I think it’s because I keep getting asked the same question:  β€˜Have you had a good summer break?!’ To a lot of people, and hanging on somewhere deep inside me, I am still a teacher.  And whilst I have enjoyed the lovely weather and some time away by the seaside, I have worked for most of the β€˜summer holidays.’  There’s been a whole array of crochet workshops going on here, both during the day and in the evenings.  I’ve had groups of people through the door, mother & daughter sessions, lots of one to one crochet lessons and even a children’s party!  I’ve had two full weekends at craft markets with Florrie, and I’ve also helped Beth out in Beeze’s for two days.  Not to mention various trips to Pins & Needles to plan the Crafty Weekender away, and my own β€˜teacher training day’ with Becky planning some new craft workshops to be held in the Crochet Cabin next year.

When I was teaching full time, my alarm would go off at 6, I’d be out the door by 7, and usually home about 6pm (if I timed it right, Frank would have already cooked the tea by the time I arrived home – win!).  These days, you may be surprised to hear, my alarm still goes off at 6, and I’m in the Crochet Cabin checking emails and doing some admin type jobs by 6:05am. Obviously I now have the luxury of starting work still in my pjs and I can neither confirm nor deny that I have an extra pair of slippers in the Cabin.  Although my days are a lot more flexible, it’s fairly common that I don’t lock up the Cabin and come back into the house until 6pm.  There’s quite a lot of work involved in running a small business! But do you know something? I absolutely bloody love it.  If you know me, you may have worked this out for yourself by now.

Some things have stayed the same though; I’m still teaching, and I’m still constantly reviewing what I do to make sure the lovely ladies who come to my crochet workshops get the best deal possible.  Only recently, I’ve changed the way I run a workshop because it wasn’t quite right the first time I did it.  I suppose that’s the teacher in me.  I’m also still drinking lots of tea, eating loads of biscuits and crocheting as much as possible.  Some things will never change!