I’m so excited! My Crochet Workshops and Social Crochet Events are starting again from Saturday 22nd May! It’s been way too long and I’ve missed you all so much.

Whether you’re well on your way into your crochet journey and fancy coming along to make something new, or perhaps you like the social interaction (something we’ve not had a great deal of over the last year!) of crocheting with like minded folk, there’s something for everyone at The Crochet Cabin. From Saturday 22nd May, we’ll be crocheting Summer Wreaths, Garden Lanterns (and much more) as well as stuffing our faces with cake, croissants, cream teas and any other food items that begin with C!

As well as the Crochet Workshops and Social Crochet Events, there are Learn to Crochet sessions available to book too. I know that many of you have learnt to crochet over lockdown, either with one of my Learn to Crochet Kits or from following an online video, and I’m beyond excited about all the things that you’ll be able to make! If you need help with the next steps (learning new stitches, following patterns etc) then I have a Super Stitches Workshop or Video Tutorial which will move you onto the next steps.

Email me now (thesecretcrocheter@yahoo.com) to find out more information or keep an eye on my Facebook and Instagram pages!